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Eng 12 Syllabus

Ms. Buchanan

B203 (student use only please)


Overall Objectives-

Welcome to your senior year-your final year!! Congrats, but you still have one year left, so maintain your focus and it will be a great last year. Throughout the year the course will cover a variety of novels, such as Brave New World, Grendel, and In Cold Blood,and various graphic novels, such as V for Vendetta, and we will also write for a variety of purposes, such as academic essays as well as creative writing exercises. Furthermore, as seniors, it is expected that the maturity level be representative of your age as well as your years put into your education, thus, enabling the class to delve into some wonderful discussions about current events, as well as some controversial topics. By the end of the semester you will be expected to have mastered the following: quality writing for a variety of purposes; mastery of standardized conventions and usage; researching given topics as well as personally chosen topics; application and memorization of given vocabulary words; finally, the ability to think critically, creatively, and independently.

Reading and Writing Journals

Reading and Writing Journals-

Every student will be expected to bring a wire-bound notebook and an independent novel to class each time we meet. The wire-bound notebook will be used as a journal and the novel will be utilized for a variety of purposes, but the bottom line is they must be brought to class, and there will be a grade assigned for the materials being present for each class. The journal writing will begin as class begins, so tardy students will be penalized for being late.
In regards to the independent reading, each student will be responsible for reading a minimum of 5-8 pieces per six weeks. The independent reading will be chosen by each student and read own their own time, unless assigned time in class. A small journal with a summary of each piece of reading will be turned in at the end of every six weeks. Journals will be turned in at the end of the six weeks. Further specifics will be handed out in regards to the writing journals in a separate packet.

Behavioral Expectations

Behavioral Expectations-

-First and most importantly, you are expected to be in class every day and on time!!

You will lose points for your journal writing if you are late as the assignment begins at the beginning of class.

-Late work will only be accepted if the absence is excused-period!! However, it is always the student’s responsibility to find out what he/she missed and get that work in AE the first day back.

-Bathroom breaks are a privilege not a right and will be dealt with as such.

-Phones and musical “tools” are also a privilege not a right and will be taken if seen or heard.

-Basic, socially acceptable behavior is expected-class can and will be fun, but everyone is expected to act responsible and respectfully, and all others will dealt with through phone calls home and or administrative assistance. I will always try to deal with problems first hand, but consistent problems will not be tolerated.

-Lastly on most importantly, the class revolves around participation and an active willingness to want to learn and have fun while doing so. If everyone is on the same page, class will run smoothly and everybody will have a great opportunity to succeed with a great grade. Your grade is in your hands, so make sure that you have a good and positive attitude to start the semester, and at the end of the semester, your grade will reflect that.

-Journals must be completed in blue or black ink-period!